News Regional Economics Course with teaching materials through OpenCourseWare

Regional Economics Course with teaching materials through OpenCourseWare

The Regional Economics course, with open materials, is now available on the University of Cantabria OpenCourseWare (OCW) platform:

The course offers an overview of the economic analysis of regions, in which the central element is the territory, with a European focus. In the first part of the course, the object of study is introduced and the growth and regional distribution models are explained. In the second part of the course, territorial development policies are analyzed. The course is presented from an European perspective, and combines theoretical and practical components.

The course offers open materials based on the content of Regional Economics, taught in the third year of the Degree in Economics at the University of Cantabria, and included within the Jean Monnet Module in Economic and Financial System and Regional Development (EUFIREG).